Top Ten Signs That You Edit On Wikipedia Too Much

  1. Whenever you find a spelling or factual mistake on any web page,
    you immediately look for the “edit this page” button
  2. When you see a spelling mistake on your own web site, you immediately
    look for the “history” button to find out what moron added it
  3. Putting hyperlinks in HTML documents is such a pain because typing
    [[whatever|link]] is so much
    easier than <a href="http://whatever“>link
  4. When writing plain-text email, you try to emphasize a word using
  5. You wish your email client supported categories: being able to add multiple
    categories to an email would be so cool (All joking aside, this would
    be quite a cool feature*)
  6. You see a short web page lacking in content and want to add
  7. You see something on a web site that doesn’t seem right, and you want to leave
    a message on the talk page asking about it
  8. You eye your kids’ toys, wondering if they really play with them anymore,
    whether they’d notice if they vanished, and how much you could get for them. Oops,
    wrong list — that should be on the Top Ten Signs You Use eBay Too Much
  9. You wish the web had a “watchlist” so you could find out which web pages
    have changed recently without having to actually visit those pages (though I
    suppose that’s what RSS is for)
  10. You click on a hyperlink that takes you to a 404 error page, and
    you wonder why the original link wasn’t red

* I have frequently been looking for a particular email and cannot
what folder I saved it in. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to “save” it to
multiple folders without replicating the message numerous times? If I’m looking
for a message from my boss regarding IPv6 in SuSE Linux, did I save it in a folder
called “Mark”? OK, so that would probably have been dumb, but was it “IPv6” or
“Linux” or “SuSE”? If
I could mark the message with a bunch of different tags (eg. “Mark IPv6 SuSE
Linux”), then I could look in any one of those folders and find it.
just added this feature for blog articles, and I love it; it’s also
similar to the way you can save bookmarks at Are you
listening Thunderbird or
Outlook people?

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